By ergonomic design, we give your industrial work processes the appropriate framework with applicable rules. Whether in classical applications of physical workload, the design of workplace safety and information technology or in novel applications for the identification and design of mental stress situations in everyday working life. Your use cases in the field of ergonomics are extensive, as well as our solutions..
The methodological foundations of the physiological stress analysis, such as EAWS, RULA and OWAS, form the basis for further IT-supported applications, with the help of which IPS Engineers assess the stress on the human body in different applications. The stress analysis is accompanied by detailed mapping of the work processes and the identification of ergonomic and economic improvement approaches. Here, the basic conviction of IPS Engineers is omnipresent: an improvement in ergonomics goes hand in hand with an improvement in cost-effectiveness.
An appropriate division of work content in hybrid work systems requires the possibilities of integrated planning and implementation of manual and automated scopes in suitable IT systems. IPS Engineers work together with established software providers such as Siemens PLM, imk automotive and carat robotic innovation, to map digital human models including physiological stress determination and automation technology. In particular, industrial and lightweight robots working in one environment. Ergonomic quick-checks and assessment methods for the estimation of automation potentials are an integral part of the IPS Engineers service portfolio.
The demographic change and the steadily increasing demands on individual work assistance in industrial systems make the work area a future field to which IPS Engineers has increasingly devoted themselves for some time. The determination of the individually desired level of work support, the seamless integration of work assistance into the work process and also the improvement of the possibilities of individualized planning, form the main focus of the development work. The particular challenge lies in the balanced consideration of the personal requirement needs of the employees and the economic requirements for implementation in everyday working life.